Recently E-Bob technical services updated a church wireless microphone system. They were saying their old system wasn’t reliable and kept cutting out.
It turns out the system was actually out of compliance with FCC regulations. When broadcast TV went digital, the FCC changed the frequencies certain types of equipment could operate on. They gave people with these systems until 2020 to update. The church’s problem with their wireless mic system was most likely caused by interference from television signals.
To upgrade the church’s wireless microphone system, E-Bob Technical Services replaced the antennas, antenna distribution amp, six receivers, and six body packs. Three different brands, of high-quality systems, were investigated and E-Bob presented the one that would best suit their needs.  The installation went well and the congregation is reporting they can hear the pastor clearly again.
Maybe your church, school, or business has this same issue with your wireless microphone system being out of compliance and no longer working well. Let E-Bob Technical Services, LLC help you out. Give us a call and we’ll be there for you.